Sanne Salomonsen

Visit Robin Skjoldborgs site HERE
A 3000 mile ocean rowing race from La Gomera in The Canary Islands to Antigua
Portraits of the singers Lydmor and Kwamie
New book, ‘MÆND’, out now! Published by Gyldendal.
Exhibition with the images at Bredgade Kunsthandel
6th – 27th of November.
Bredgade 67, 1260 Kbh K
(open tues-fri 13-18, sat 11-15)
EUROMAN fashion shoot ‘BLOW-UP’
Denmark, Ibiza and Bali.
Robin Skjoldborg has shot eight great danish men.
New photos for Mads Langers Spring Tour 2013
Beautiful pictures from the Barolo Book